Here is a link for you to download an application I have just found, it is a speaking clock which tells the time in various languages including Macedonian.
Here is the link to download the application "Speaking clock": Speaking clock link
And this is the download link for the Macedonian language: Macedonian language link
First, you have to download the Speaking clock, then install it, after that, download the Macedonian language file and just run it and it will install.
The application is free! On the official website you can also find a deluxe (paid) version.
This is the official website for the application:
I recommend this application, I tried it and really like it.
A sad song about the Macedonians that were expatriated from Greece. - Тажна песна за Македонците кои беа протерани од Грција
Posted by M | 10:56 PM | Other | 0 comments »Now this is a song in Macedonian for the Macedonians that had been expatriated from their homes in Greece. For the horrifying exodus that happened after the south Macedonia belonged to Greece in 1913.
A very sad one...
Постојам - I exist
Успешно ги скроив сите рани кои ги прави
таа коба длабоко во тебе.
With victory I tailored cuts that once were bleeding by the evil that you hide.
Онемев за твоите зборови за твоите немири
да ништиш мое сé
I stand mute before your restelesness that hunts you to destroy everything of mine.
Собирав љубов небесна...
Gathering love from Heavens
Собрав и снага да те гледам.
I gathered the strength to keep on watching
Можам да кажам сега, остана сé, зад мене.
Now I can say I've left all of it back and behind...
Простено е сé,
I forgive you all,
од ова срце повтор штом те сретне.
with this heart of mine you won't see it moan.
Простено ти е ,
I forgive you all,
и твојта желба да ме нема веќе.
and your passion, urge, to see me gone.
разбрав како да живеам...
...Growing up,
now I know how to live on...
Оф, ех, ах, ух, леле – for emotional reactions
Еј, бре, псст - for seeking attention or calling someone.
Ej – Hey
Ех, ах, - eh, ah…
Ух… – Uh…
Оф... – Oh…
Псст... – Psst…
Шшт....- Shttt…
Боже! – God!
Помош! – Help!
Срамота! – Shame!
-от –та –то –те
-ов –ва –во –ве
-он –на –но –не
The use of the suffixes depend of the gender and the number of the noun.
The suffixies –от, -ов, -он are added to the singular nouns in male gender that finnish at consonant (човекот, човеков, човекон)
The suffixes –та, -ва, -на belong to
- all the nouns of feminine gender in singular (книгата, пролетта...)
- the nouns of masculine gender that finnish with the vowel –a in singular (судијата…)
- nouns in plural of neutral gender that finnish with –а and –иња (селата, јагнињата,...)
- the plural nouns that finnish on –ја and –ишта (перјата, ридиштата)
The suffixes –то, -во, -но are added to
- all the nouns of neutral gender in singular (полето, детето)
- the nouns of masculine gender in singular that finnish on –о and –е (дедото, аташето)
- the plural nouns that finnish on –је (нивјето, снопјето)
- the plural noun луѓе (people) – луѓето (the people)
The suffixies –те, -ве, -не are added to all plural nouns that finnish on –и and –ови (столовите, броевите, масите, очите), and the plural nouns раце - hands, нозе - legs (рацете – the hands, нозете – the legs)
The definite articles despite the general determination act as space determination articles too. That space determination is made with these suffixies: -ов, -ва, -во, -ве and –он, -на, -но, -не, -от, -та, -то, те.
For example Дај ми ја книгата (Give me the book), means give me the book that is near to you.
The suffix –ов, -ва, -во, -ве is used when the object is close to the speaker.
For example Ти ја давам книгава (што ја држам), in english: I give you the book (that I’m holding).
The suffixies –он, -на, -но, -не are added if the object is far from the speaker, but the speaker can see it.
For example: Дај ми ја книгана (таа што е подалеку од тебе и од мене), in english: Give me the book (the one that is far from me and from you).
The personal names (nouns), almost all, are not added articles because thay are already determinated with its own personal name. When they are added an article, the speaker wants to show a special relation to them. Example: Марето, Надето, Стојнето. (The personal names are Маре – Марето, Наде – Надето, Стојне – Стојнето).
The geographic names are devided on nouns that can be added an determinate article (e.g. Балканот, Родопите), and that can not (Мариово, Црна Гора).
If the geographic names from the second group are added an article (e.g. Скопјево) then it shows a specific relation with the speaker. For example: Скопјево е прекрасно оваа вечер. – (The) Skopje is beautiful this night.
The colors in, white, yellow, blue, green, red, brown, gray, pink, violet and orange....
the color бело (white)
in male genere will be бел
in female gender will be бела
in neutral gender will be бело
in plural (for male, famale and neutral) will be бели
the same is for all the colors
Here are some examples:
Бела кола - White car (The noun 'car' is in female gender in Macedonian, so the color white will be Бела)
Црвен автобус - Red bus (The noun 'bus' is in male gender in Macedonian, so the color 'red' will be Црвен)
Сиво маче - Grey kitty (The noun 'kitty' is in neutral gender in Macedonian, so the color 'grey' will be Сиво)
Црни кондури - Black shoes (The noun shoes is in plural, so the color black will be Црни)
So here is the rule, lets take the color 'blue'
Син - for male gender
Сина - for female gender
Сино - for neutral gender
Сини - for plural
The same goes for all the colors!
Now we are going to learn the verb TO GO (Глаголот ОДАМ) in Macedonian
Present tense (Сегашно време)
I go - Јас одам (Jas odam)
You go - Ти одиш (Ti odish)
He goes - Тој оди (Toj odi)
She goes - Таа оди (Taa odi)
It goes - Тоа оди (Toa odi)
We go - Ние одиме (Nie odime)
You go - Вие одите (Vie odite)
They go - Тие одат (Tie odat)
I go for a walk - Јас одам да шетам
She goes for a walk - Таа оди да шета
Past tense (Минато време)
I went - Јас одев (Jas odev)
You went - Ти одеше (Ti odeshe)
He went - Тој одеше (Toj odeshe)
She went - Таа одеше (Taa odeshe)
It went - Тоа одеше (Toa odeshe)
We went - Ние одевме (Nie odevme)
You went - Вие одевте (Vie odevte)
They went - Тие одеа (Tie odea)
I went for a walk - Јас одев да шетам
She went for a walk - Таа одеше да шета
Present perfect tense (Сегашно свршено време)
I have gone - Јас сум одел (Jas sum odel)
You have gone - Ти си одел (Ti si odel)
He has gone - Тој е одел (Toj e odel)
She has gone - Таа е одела (Taa e odela)
It has gone - Тоа е одело (Toa e odelo)
We have gone - Ние сме оделе (Nie sme odele)
You have gone - Вие сте оделе (Vie ste odele)
They have gone - Тие се оделе (Tie se odele)
I have gone for a walk - Јас сум одел да шетам
She has gone for a walk - Таа е одела да шета
Simple Future tense (Идно време)
I will go - Јас ќе одам (Jas ke odam)
You will go - Ти ќе одиш (Ti ke odish)
He will go - Тој ќе оди (Toj ke odi)
She will go - Таа ќе оди (Taa ke odi)
It will go - Тоа ќе оди (Toa ke odi)
We will go - Ние ќе одиме (Nie ke odime)
You will go - Вие ќе одите (Vie ke odite)
They will go - Тие ќе одат (Tie ke odat)
I will go for a walk - Јас ќе одам да шетам
She will go for a walk - Таа ќе оди да шета